Tito Fuentes Biography

Activity Actor
Real name Ismael Fuentes de Garay
Nationality Mexico
Birth September 6, 1974 (Mexico City)

Ismael Fuentes de Garay, better known as Tito Fuentes, was born in Mexico City on September 6, 1974. The son of a Catalan exile, he showed interest in music since he was a child. He was part of a rock group called La Candelaria where he met Micky Huidobro, with whom he would later form the group Molotov, one of the most successful and recognized in the music scene of Mexico and Latin America.

In 2006, he formed another musical group called Los Odio! along with Paco Huidobro (Micky’s brother).

The great recognition that Tito Fuentes has had as a musician led him to venture as a film composer. In 2012 he composed the soundtrack for the animated film El Santos vs. La Tetona Mendoza directed by Alejandro Lozano, Andrés Couturier and Álvaro Curiel, and based on the comics created by “La Jornada” monkeys Jis and Trino Camacho.

Additionally, Tito Fuentes has a design office called Bang Buró that is dedicated to designing covers for records, skateboards, t-shirts and photographs.
